Improve Your Posture – Improve Your Health

Improve Your Posture – Improve Your Health

Good posture is a key to your being healthy, looking attractively, and slowing down your aging. On the contrary, a hunched back, uneven shoulders, and a bent head can often testify to health problems. Body posture is directly connected to the strength as well as flexibility of the bones, muscles, ligaments, and joints. Their imbalance and weakness can result in many unpleasant health conditions, such as:

  • Compression of nerves and vessels, which can lead to headaches, constant fatigue as well as high blood pressure.
  • Chronic pain in your neck, back, and shoulders.
  • Higher risk of injuries and traumas.
  • Muscle stiffness.
  • Problems with the digestive tract.
  • Breathing with difficulty.

At any age, you should pay attention to your body posture as its correction and maintenance in the proper state mean the improvement of your health. Here are some tips on how to achieve this by training your body:

  1. Assess the problems.

With the help of a mirror (or a professional coach, which would be better) define the parts of the body that need correction. See if your chest isn't hollow and the curve of your back isn't too deep. Check if the shoulders aren't slouching forward and the head isn't hanging low. Try to stand up straight. Mind that your ankles, knees, hips, and shoulders should go in one line. As a rule, everyone finds something that requires corrective exercises.

  1. Start with the spine.

Your spine is the main element of the skeletal system, which in its turn is the framework of the body. Your posture depends on the flexibility and strength of the spine. To enhance these qualities, lie down on a mat with your face down, stretch your hands above the head. Simultaneously, raise your right arm and right leg until you feel a stretch in the spine. Hold them in this position for ten seconds. Do the same with the left arm and leg. To be useful, this exercise should be done ten times a day.

  1. Work out the back and shoulders.

If you spend long hours sitting in front of a computer, the muscles of your back inevitably become stiff, causing an unbearable pain in the shoulders. To avoid this, stand up every half an hour and walk, stretch, or simply stand for two or three minutes. Do the following exercise: stretch your arms horizontally and move slowly the palms to the shoulders until you feel the tension in back muscles. Fix in this position for ten seconds. Do this in each interval in your working day.

  1. Mind how you sit.

Sit as close to the back of the chair as possible so that your back is perpendicular to the seat. Straighten up your back and lower the shoulders. Make this posture habitual.

  1. Build up a strong core with Pilates and yoga.

The muscles in the abdomen area, along the spine, and in your hips are responsible for the proper posture of your body. The best way of strengthening them is practicing yoga or Pilates. In addition, both of these systems of exercises develop the ability to control the body.

  1. Include a healthy diet.

To help your muscles, bones, and joints get stronger, denser as well as more flexible, provide them with the necessary nutrients. These are lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and calcium. 

  1. Supplement your diet with vitamin Calcium & Magnesium.

This supplement will strengthen your bones and help keep your spine healthy as well as reduce the risk of breaks at any age.

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